2020 is upon us and keeping us on our toes as employers. Both Oregon and Washington employers need to take steps to comply with new employment laws. READ MORE
Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act signed into law on December 20, 2019. READ MORE
Should you adopt alternative types of dispute resolution as routine requirements of your rules, regulations, and contracts? Many of our clients are unclear about the meaning of "Alternative Dispute Resolution," "Mediation," and "Arbitration." READ MORE
Business attorney David Ludwig co-authored an article in the Oregon State Bar Business Law Section Newsletter - Oregon Business Lawyer on new statute which allows corporations to ratify defective corporate actions. READ MORE
Washington’s new long-term care payroll tax goes into effect on January 1, 2022. READ MORE
This opinion provides a thoughtful analysis of the intersection between the Bankruptcy Code and Oregon law governing limited liability companies (“LLCs”). READ MORE
The basic rules concerning federal estate and gift taxes seem to always be changing. For 2019, federal estate tax law exempts the first $11.4 million from estate taxes for each individual. READ MORE
Most organizations use policy or instruction manuals either that have been developed internally or that have come from third-party sources. Such manuals should be prepared and reviewed carefully. READ MORE
Your credit union may soon be approached by investors looking to buy Visa, Inc. Class B stock which you may have received when Visa had its initial public offering 11 years ago. READ MORE
In March, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that parties who principally enforce security interests are not “debt collectors” within the broader meaning of that term under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. READ MORE