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Surrender – An Option for Cutting Off Liability for Post-Petition HOA Fees


Local Bankruptcy Court Case Notes - In re Watt, 520 BR 834 (Bankr D Or 2014) READ MORE

On Compliance: Managing Complaints


In September, both the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the National Credit Union Administration issued public reports touting the reach and improvements in their consumer complaint portals. READ MORE

On Compliance: The Strangling of Overdraft Protection


Credit union overdraft protection programs have endured a long, slow strangling for years. Is it time to just return NSF items? READ MORE

Tattoos: Taboo or Cool in the Credit Union Culture?


Kelly Tilden advises companies when developing a personal appearance policy to state clear objective standards and apply such policy consistently. READ MORE

Real Estate Investing - Buyer's Perspective


There are many attractive opportunities for investment in real estate, particularly triple net properties. There are also several complexities to such investments, and an informed buyer can minimize risk by being prepared. READ MORE

NCUA Finalizes New CUSO Registration & Reporting


Credit union losses from CUSO operations are infrequent, but the magnitude of recent CUSO losses has led to increased regulation. READ MORE

CFPB's Exam Procedures Are Valuable Tools


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will not likely subject your credit union to an examination. Yet, the agency's newly updated exam procedures can serve as valuable tools for surviving new regulations. READ MORE

Skirting Around Dress Code Discrimination


As summer temperatures rise, so should employers' awareness of staff 's office attire. During the summer, employers often are confronted with sticky situations involving workplace dress codes. READ MORE

Tenant Issues in Commercial Leases


When a person or a business finds the ideal commercial space, the next step is lease negotiation. The commercial lease is far different from the more familiar residential lease or rental agreement. READ MORE

A Dangerous Intersection


Most credit unions have confidentiality policies that prohibit unauthorized disclosures of financial matters concerning members and credit union business. But policies that impinge on employees' right to discuss salary... READ MORE



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